Calling all residents!

Published on 29 July 2023 at 13:26

📣 📣 📣 Shout out to all Arnold, Woodthorpe, Killisick, Redhill and Daybrook residents!!!

Do you currently operate your own Neighborhood Watch scheme, officially or unofficially?

Have you been considering joining a scheme or setting one up?

Do you have a close knit community of neighbours?

Are you a point of contact for your street?

Perhaps you are on your own but want to still be involved?  

We would love to work with you in gathering and sharing information about current crime trends, suspicious activity and Antisocial Behaviour Issues. We would also be happy to share any information regarding non profit community events.

If you operate a local schem (officially or unofficially), please send us some details about your scheme or 'network of neighbours'. In return we will we will ensure that you are kept in the loop of our upcoming developments and events.

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