Tackling Crime & ASB

Neighbourhood Watch Schemes

It's often said that prevention is better than the cure. By building a better relationship with your neighbours this can really help to identify suspicious activity and prevent crime occuring in the first place. If you want to join one of the 90 schemes across Arnold please get in touch. To keep up to date with current events in the locality follow us on Facebook. 

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How can I contact the Police? 

It's easy to report matters to the Police:


  • 999 - If it's an emergency (you beleive a crime is happening now or life is in danger).


  • 101 - Non emergency number (crimes that have already happened / passing on information / intelligence).


If you have further concerns you might want to consider contacting other neighbourhood partners


FAQ about the Police

I’ve reported a crime but I haven’t had an update. 

As a victim of crime you are entitled to be given regular update by the officer who is investigating your case. 

When you report a crime you will be given an incident number, this is usually followed up with a crime number. If you want an update from the Police, call 101, and by providing either of these numbers the call taker should be able to put you in touch with the investigating Officer. Keep in mind, it is the Police who should be keeping you updated, if you feel you are not being adequately dealt with, you have the right to make a complaint. 

I am experiencing continuing crime / ASB In my area.

So that there is a written record (statics supporting your concern) you still need to report these matters to the Police through the normal channels, e.g. 101 or 999 where appropriate. 

If problems are persistent you are likely going to need to raise your concerns with the Neighbourhood Police Team (NPT). This team consists of Officers who cover your locality, it is their responsibility to support local residents and businesses with tackling and solving a wide variety of neighbourhood problems. It is important to note that they do not always work alone in tackling these matters and they will also work with other partnership agencies including; the local authority, social housing providers, fire service & local elected representatives.

I'm not receiving adequate help.

If you feel that the Officers you are contacting are not delivering the desired results, feel free to escalate you complaint to senior officers (Sgt or Insp.). Alternatively, try making contact with other neighbourhood partners, in particular elected representatives as they are normally in a better position to share your concerns and bring partner agencies together in order to resolve matters. 

I've made numerous reports of ASB but still no action has been taken and the problems are ongoing. 

If you have tried to engage with the Police but still no satisfactory action has been taken tonresolve the complaint, you may have the right to have the case reviewed. 


See - Antisocial Behaviour Case Review

See - Notts. Police ASB Case Review Policy

See - Gedling Borough Council ASB Case Review Form


If the matter is still not resolved the case should be escalated to the Police and Crime Commissioner for the locality.

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