How to Co-Ordinate Your Scheme

Neighbourhood Watch schemes come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. They can cover a whole street (if it’s not too long) or just the houses around you. Each scheme needs a coordinator/coordinators.


As the Neighbourhood Watch coordinator all you do is keep in touch with your neighbours and help them keep in touch with, and watch out fo,r each other. Most coordinators:

· check on your neighbours – from a simple hello to a message group on your phone so people can ask for help;

· act as a point of contact, so you can pass on information people will find useful;

· encourage neighbours to keep an eye on each other’s homes and possessions, especially those who might be vulnerable;

· help your neighbours to report suspicious incidents, or criminal or anti-social behaviour;

· share tips to reduce crime, and encouraging neighbours to improve their home, on-line and personal security.


Some coordinators do more, such as:

· organise a litter pick;

· organise a street party;

· run a listening campaign;

· conduct an environmental visual audit.